Monday, April 13, 2020

Rejoice in God

Rejoice in God; all who swear by God will glory in him. — Psalm 63:11
Easter 2019 Before Sheltering in Place

We rejoice in God.

He has blessed us beyond measure.

We are thankful.

Yesterday we celebrated Easter as a family of 3 instead of our usual 21.

Abby suggested we dress up, so we did.

Kirk went shopping on Friday and got the last ham at Vons.
Easter 2019 - Chemo had started

We are able to celebrate together at home.

None of us are sick - we are all healthy.

Kirk and are both working full time.

Well, Kirk is working part-time but getting paid for full time.  

Abby's job has ended temporarily, since the school no longer needs an office assistant.

But her masters classes are continuing remotely.

We are thankful and blessed.

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