Monday, October 5, 2020

Let Your Gentleness Be Evident

 Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. — Philippians 4:5

Yesterday Abby and I went swimming again.

We were in the competition pool, so the water was a bit cooler.

(The photo is of the pool we swam in when we were in Palm Desert in August.)

The cool water was good, considering the air temperature was 90+, even in La Jolla.

And we had to wait about ten minutes before we could get in, since we arrived early.

The water was very refreshing and comfortable after we swam a lap.

God is near.

His love surrounds us.

And He reminds us to be gentle to all, even those we disagree with.

That is not always easy.

But it is possible, with His help.

Thank you, Lord.

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