Sunday, September 19, 2021

How Majestic Is Your Name!

 Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! — Psalm 8:9

Today we went to two memorial services.

One for a couple from our church - Rick died in 2020 and Phyllis in May of 2021.

A beautiful tribute to them as a couple.

The second service was for the dad of Kirk's high school friends, Ian and Pete.

Ian flew out from Arkansas with his friends.

Pete was the surgeon who operated on Gary's hip.

Their dad was a doctor, too.

He also played the organ and was president of the Spreckels Organ Society at one time.

We got a chance to see lots of friends at both services.

And to thank God for their lives.

O Lord, how majestic is Your name!

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