Sunday, October 24, 2021

We Trust in the Lord

Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God. — Psalm 20:7

Today we had our BlesSING concert with the San Diego Street Choir.

The choir was joined by East Lake High School chorale - very talented young singers.

Our orchestra sounded great.

It was a lot of work on the part of our director, Rodney, and our orchestra conductor, Judith.

But everyone really enjoyed it.

And money was raised for our Street Corner Care ministry.

Our friend Bob Plimpton came, too.

He was very impressed.

He only wished he could have played the organ with us for God Bless America.

Our friend Shirley sang with us at the church service this morning and then went in for a CT Scan to try to find out why she has a large lump on her neck.

We are praying for wisdom for her doctors.

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