Wednesday, December 22, 2021

God Has Performed Mighty Deeds

He has performed mighty deeds with his arm; he has scattered those who are proud in their inmost thoughts. — Luke 1:51

God has performed mighty deeds.

He has scattered the proud.

But He has wrapped me in His loving arms.

Last night I had a fun time at dinner with friends.

Afterward, I found out one of my friends has a coworker who has been diagnosed with breast cancer.

I offered to give her my contact info in case she wants to reach out.

In case I can answer any of her questions.

Today I discovered a friend of mine also has been diagnosed with breast cancer - two spots in one breast.

Thankfully it's stage 1. 

She will find out more details in the next few weeks.

I am praying for both of them and for my boss's sister-in-law who is struggling through chemo as the result of a rare breast cancer.

God is our great physician through every trial.

I think one reason He had me go through my journey was so I can comfort others on theirs.

Thank you, Lord.

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