Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Love the Lord Your God

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. — Deuteronomy 6:5

Welcome, February!

Today my friend Lorraine told me about a coworker of hers that was recently diagnosed with breast cancer.

I was diagnosed three years ago in January, and my surgery was February 22, 2019.

I was wearing a hat and fall for our 35th anniversary party in October of 2019.

Three years later, my oncologist has said that I don't need to see her again for a year.

Last week when I got my hair cut, my hairdresser mentioned how my hair has come back in thick and full.

Just as it was before the chemo.

My cancer is either in remission or completely healed!

What a wonderful miracle.

I'm praying the same for Lorraine's friend.

May God bless her through this time as He has blessed me.

And may she feel His loving arms holding her tight and surrounding her with His deep peace.

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