Tuesday, March 29, 2022

There Is One God and One Mediator

For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all people. — 1 Timothy 2:5

Yesterday my boss announced that he is leaving our company in two weeks.

He's just my second supervisor at this company.

His boss tried to reassure me that he will be consulting with me and will be very transparent with his decisions.

He will meet with me biweekly and consult with me on the path we should take to move forward.

I just had my team read the book, "Who Moved My Cheese" and we had a good discussion about change and our attitudes.

So one of my colleagues today sent me a text with a sad face, "Someone REALLY moved my cheese today."

We'll be going to lunch together later this week to talk it out.

For there is one God, and He knows our worries and concerns.

His Son Jesus is our mediator between God and us.

And Jesus gave himself as a ransom for all of us.

When our cheese moves, we can rely on God to help us find our way through the maze to the new cheese.

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