Tuesday, September 6, 2022

I Know That My Redeemer Lives

I know that my Redeemer lives, and that in the end He will stand on the earth. — Job 19:25

My Bible reading this past week has been from the book of Job.

I'm reading a chronological study Bible, and the commentary on the speeches by Job's friends has explained that they relied on the wisdom teachings of the time rather than on God's Word.

Today many of my coworkers often rely on the teachings of yoga, philosophers, and hindu teachings rather than on God's Word.

I also have coworkers who are strong Christians who pray with me and who I can pray for.

And even my non-Christian coworkers often let me pray for them when they are going through tough times.

God places us where He can use us to accomplish His will.

And He gives us friends and family members to support us and uphold us in our walk with Him.

Today was Kirk's mom's birthday, and we miss her very much.

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