Saturday, August 12, 2023

God Is Our Refuge

God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. — Psalm 46:1 

Icthus - Jesus, the Messiah, our Savior

Over the past several weeks, we've had friends with each of the following situations:

    Her mom died.

    His dad died.

    His wife was diagnosed with ovarian cancer.

    Her daughter was diagnosed with cancer.

    She got married.

    Her husband died, the father of their 23-year-old daughter.

    She had an anxiety attack.

    Her dog died.

    She discovered she's pregnant and is expecting her first baby.

    Her cat was hospitalized.

We don't realize just how much sorrow exists in our world until it touches us personally.

But through the happy days and the sad days.

Through the hurt and the sorrow, God is our refuge.

And the Lord is our strength.

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