Tuesday, June 25, 2024

The Lord Is Faithful

But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one. — 2 Thessalonians 3:3

Yesterday we kicked off our Vacation Bible School. 

Our theme this year is Hometown Nazareth: Where Jesus was a kid.

We have several children from other countries participating.

Some who don't speak much English.

Our preschool group included one three-year-old who had just arrived in the country.

He told his mom afterward that Americans really love their cheeses.

He wasn't talking about the string cheese they served but rather the songs they sang.

When she asked him to tell her more, he said, "Today we sang about how much we love cheeses."

Then he sang, "Oh, how I love cheeses, Oh, how I love cheeses."

I couldn't stop laughing when I heard that story.

His mom shared it with the preschool teacher.

The Lord is faithful.

He will strengthen us.

And God will protect us from the evil one.

Oh, how I love Jesus!

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