Monday, November 11, 2019

God Comes Near to Us

Come near to God and he will come near to you. — James 4:8

Our neighbors have now moved into their new home, and their kids have been working to put on a new roof, paint the rooms, and move out the furniture.

Today they held a garage sale to sell the remaining furniture.

They also put up the "Coming Soon" sign on the house sale. 

And the realtor stopped by to hand out the flyer showing their beautiful pool.

Lots of people stopped by for the garage sale.

Their kids have been hard at work to get the home ready to show.

They stopped by briefly and we had a chance to reminisce and let them know how much we love their parents and what wonderful neighbors they have been.

We miss them already.

But we know they are in a wonderful new home, and they will make friends with the others there.

They will also be able to welcome in their new neighbors as more people move in to the complex.

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