Monday, November 18, 2019

God's Word Is Truth

Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth. — John 17:17

I have a friend who just lost his job.

This is a photo of my former boss.

His son is now searching for a new job, and it's not easy.

I know just how he feels.

When my job ended in March of last year, I was still looking for a job.

I had been searching since November of the previous year.

I knew God would provide, but it was hard not to worry.

God's Word is truth. And during the time I was without a job, God gave me two Bible studies to attend and lots of supportive friends to pray for me and my search.

I grew much closer to Him during that time.

Fortunately, God had provided us with a strong budget, an emergency fund, and a hard-working husband in Kirk.

So when I found my new job in May, I was overjoyed and overwhelmed by God's blessing.

In December I will celebrate one and a half years with Axos Bank.

I work with wonderful people who are so thoughtful and hardworking.

God has given me a strong team to lead and a very supportive supervisor.

Now I can encourage and support others at my company as well as those who are job hunting.

What a privilege.

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