Saturday, July 4, 2020

Christ's Ambassadors

We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us.  — 2 Corinthians 5:20
Today is July 4, the birthday of our country.

It is also the 20th birthday of my company.

Axos Bank was founded in the year 2000 on July 4 as BofI Federal Bank.

This year we will be celebrating without the fireworks and crowds.

Usually we meet friends down at the harbor for the fireworks display.

It will be quite a bit different this year with COVID-19.

Perhaps we will watch some of the televised celebrations from the White House.

The music is one of my favorite parts, of course.

Last year, my friend Peggy made this beautiful Poke Cake for memorial day.

This year we watched an excellent Memorial Day tribute on PBS.

It was very moving, and honored some of our veterans as well as those who gave their all for our country.

We are therefore Christ's ambassadors.

Happy Independence Day!

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