Friday, July 3, 2020

The Message of Reconciliation

God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting people’s sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation. — 2 Corinthians 5:19

Monday I returned to work back in the Axos Bank office full time.

It was fun to get to see lots of friends and coworkers who had been working at home for the past few months.

And the commute is great right now while most people are still sheltering in place.

At the same time, I'm nervous about having so many of us inside together when the coronavirus is spreading.

I brought extra masks for my colleagues.

And my boss made signs for my desk and those of my teammates, asking others to social distance and/or wear a mask, too.

After work, my friend had some of my girlfriends from church over to her home.

We sat outside at a safe distance and had a great time together.

I haven't seen some of them since the beginning of March, when our church stopped having services.

And I've missed them.

They have always been very supportive of me, not counting my sins and faults against me.

And they have lifted me and family up in prayer — I've done the same for them.

God has brought us together to be part of His family.

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