Thursday, June 24, 2021

The Lord Will Strengthen You

But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one. — 2 Thessalonians 3:3

God is faithful.

I am not.

Even when I try, I fail.

Tuesday I got new compression sleeves for my arms.

When I went to pick them up, the cashier commented on all the supplies I was getting.

My insurance covers them all, which is amazing to me.

I got two new pairs of knee-high compression stockings plus a new pair of gloves.

If I'm eligible for a surgical procedure on the veins in my legs, I'll need to get one more set of thigh-high compression stockings.

That I'll have to pay for myself.

Even so, how blessed am I that every 6 months I get new compression garments.

On Mother's Day I forgot I was wearing a sleeve when I posted my picture.

One of Kirk's teacher friends noticed and invited me to join a lymphedema group.

God protects me from cancer, from injury, and from the evil one.

Thank you, Lord!

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