Tuesday, June 22, 2021

You Have Clothed Me With Joy

You have turned my mourning into joyful dancing. You have taken away my clothes of mourning and clothed me with joy. — Psalm 30:11 New Living Translation

God has taken our mourning for the lives of our loved ones, and turned it into praise that they are now with him.

Our friend Melanie lost her mom.

Our friend Ken lost his dad.

Our neighbors lost his mom, Jackie.

In 2019 we lost Kirk's dad, Gary. 

In 2011 Rita passed away.

My mom died in 2002.

And my dad died 3 months before our wedding in 1984.

And others we know are grieving.

It's so hard to lose a parent.

At the same time, we praise God that these people are no longer in pain.

And best of all, they are now with their Lord and Savior Jesus.

And we rejoice that we, too, will live with Jesus in heaven some day.

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