Tuesday, August 24, 2021

You Have Been Brought Near

But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near by the blood of Christ. — Ephesians 2:13

I have been searching for a new writer for our company for the past three months.

Today my candidate accepted our offer.

He will start in two weeks.

I am praising God for His goodness and His answer to prayer. 

I am also praying for my friend who is still looking for a place to rent for her family.

And for our neighbor Wanda who lost her husband last month.

Today was his memorial ceremony at Miramar cemetery. 

He was 90 years old and had suffered from dementia.

He and Wanda had been married for 67 years.

They were wonderful neighbors and special friends.

We  got to see her grandson who used to shoot hoops in their back yard.

He is now living in Denver and doing well.

God is good and we are blessed.

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