Thursday, August 19, 2021

Whoever Has the Son Has Life

Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life. — 1 John 5:12

God sent us Jesus to save us from sin.

Jesus was the pure sacrifice.

He gave his life so we can live with Him forever.

Jesus paid the price so we can have eternal life.

One day, we will live in heaven with Him.

Today I got an email from UCSD Health, where I had my radiation treatment.

They informed me that I'm eligible for the covid-19 booster.

I can get either the Pfizer or Moderna one - it doesn't matter which one I got originally.

So I'll be checking their website tomorrow to see what appointments are available.

California has a special Covid time off leave so I won't have to use my sick leave when I take time off to get the booster.

God has provided for our family.

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