Thursday, November 4, 2021

They Have Been Cleansed

But whoever does not have them [these qualities] is nearsighted and blind, forgetting that they have been cleansed from their past sins. — 2 Peter 1:9

Yesterday my work friends treated me to lunch at UTC after decorating my desk.

My friend ordered a whole pizza, and Kirk got to enjoy the leftovers! Yum.

A very fun way to end my work week and start my vacation.

God calls us to add to our faith.

Goodness, perseverance, self-control, mutual affection, knowledge, and love.

Without these I'm just nearsighted - and I really am.

Without these qualities I'm blind to God's goodness in my life.

When I'm not exhibiting these qualities, I'm ignoring the sacrifice Jesus made for me.

I'm forgetting that He has cleansed me from my past sins.

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