Saturday, January 15, 2022

Anyone Who Loves God Must Love Their Brother

And he has given us this command: Anyone who loves God must also love their brother and sister. — 1 John 4:21 

God has commanded us to love others.

Sometimes it's hardest to love those who are members of our earthly families.

But God reminds us that anyone who loves God must also love their brother.

Not just their brothers in Christ.

And anyone who loves God must also love their sister.

Even if we don't get along.

Even when we don't agree.

We show our love for God by. how we show our love to others.

Even when it's not convenient.

Even when it's not part of my plan or I have other things to do.

Or other places to be.

Help me, Lord, to love you with all of my heart and mind.

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