Thursday, July 11, 2024

He Began a Good Work in You

Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. — Philippians 1:6

We are confident in our Lord and Savior.

God, who began a good work in us, will carry it on to completion.

And He will continue that work until the day of Christ Jesus.

This week I gave my notice to my coworkers.

I'll be retiring as of August 1.

I'll miss this view from my office window.

And I'll miss many of the people.

But I'm ready to stop working so many hours away from my family.

And my 23-year-old coworker will be moving to South Korea to teach students in August, leaving our company as of July 30.

God is working His purpose out in me and in her.

Very exciting to see Him at work in our lives.

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