Monday, June 8, 2020

People Go Out to Their Work

Then people go out to their work, to their labor until evening. — Psalm 104:23

God gives us work.

He sends us out to work each day.

We work until evening, when we join our family for dinner.

Kirk has done lots of cooking lately.

My job has been very hectic, and I've been working long hours.

At the end of June, I will return to work in the office.

For now I am working at home with Kirk.

I will probably start to go in one day a week until the end of the month.

God calls us to rest on the seventh day, just as He did.

So we worship as a family on Sunday.

We watch our service together on Facebook.

I often walk around the neighborhood with a friend or two, keeping a safe distance and wearing our masks.

In the evening, Abby and I walk around the neighborhood again.

God has blessed us.

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