Saturday, June 6, 2020

The Trees of the Lord Are Well Watered

The trees of the Lord are well watered, the cedars of Lebanon that he planted. — Psalm 104:16-17

Lime Tree
God gives us the trees and plants.

Here's the lime tree in our back yard.

Our neighbors have cedars along the side of their yard.

God planted the trees and covered the earth with them.

He brings the rain.

It was raining last night and this morning.

Yesterday I met with the edema therapist.

She confirmed that I have some edema and some fibrosis - scar tissue from the radiation.

The exercises she gave me should help both.

And I need to wear my compression sleeve when I walk or drive or exercise.

I will see her again in a video chat in a couple of weeks to see if they have helped.

She will help me determine what else I can do to minimize the swelling.

God provides therapists for guidance and trees for shade.

We are blessed.

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