Saturday, June 20, 2020

Retiring from 30 Years of Teaching

By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going. — Hebrews 11:8

Today Kirk's friends and colleagues drove by to celebrate his 30 years of teaching and his retirement.

What a fun evening.

Kyle called from Virginia to keep him occupied until his friends started coming by.

I asked him to change out of his Crest Wiffle Ball shirt with holes in it - that made him a bit suspicious.

Even so, he had no idea about what was in store.

Friends and family drove down our street with signs and banners, celebrating our guy.

A few more neighbors and friends stopped by afterward to congratulate him.

We sat by the fire in our courtyard and shared stories and laughs of some of the adventures he had.

Thanks to his friends Walley Yeakle an Julie Ursini-Davis for arranging this wonderful event.

He got to see people and colleagues that he hadn't seen in years.

When the coronavirus has finally been eradicated we will have a party in our backyard to celebrate.

In the meantime, this was a great way to begin his retirement years.

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