Saturday, February 20, 2021

Pray for Us

Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ. — Colossians 4:2-3

Paul writes to the people of Colossae, asking them to pray for him.

Not only that, but telling them devote themselves to prayer.

That's really hard to do with all of the demands of a busy life.

But devoting ourselves to prayer and praying throughout the day/evening/night helps me to be thankful.

Even or especially in the midst of stressful times, God is with us to guide and direct us when we talk with Him in prayer.

We have lots of friends and family we are praying for today:

Rudy - for healing for his leg and foot infection after his release from the hospital

Beth and Mike with health concerns for their parents

John in the loss of his sister

Sheri in the loss of her mom and the health issues her dad is experiencing

Peggy for upcoming surgery

Dave for upcoming hip surgery and his wife Kathie who has been experiencing anxiety

Bonnie as she cares for her husband who has health issues

Paige's sister with triple - breast cancer who is beginning a new round of chemo

Mari's anxiety and lack of sleep

My coworker Ginger who has been up nights caring for her elderly dog 

Sandy's friend Wendy from Iglesia Presbiteriana Emmanuel whose friend was killed by a teenager who had stolen a car and ran into her at an intersection

... and many more.

God knows these needs before I do and asks me to devote myself to prayer.

Thank You, Lord.

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