Monday, February 22, 2021

Whoever Loves Others Has Fulfilled the Law

Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for whoever loves others has fulfilled the law. — Romans 13:8

The walk down Mission Trails by the Visitor's Center was really cold Sunday morning.

We saw lots of dogs — fortunately they were on leashes.

But the sun came out as we neared the end and the day was beautiful.

The pool heater was still broken, but I had a good, cold swim just the same.

Abby stayed home this time.

The other person swimming laps got out after 20 minutes. 

I managed to continue for 35.

By the end I was the last one in the pool.

Fortunately, the sun was out and the air was warm even though the water was about 64 degrees.

Monday I'll leave work early and go swimming about 3:00, and hopefully the air will be warm again.

Thank you, God, for beautiful days.

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