Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. — 2 Corinthians 9:7
This weekend we turn in our pledges for the year.
When Kirk and I were first married, we decided to give a tithe of our income.
That became very hard the year that Kirk was let go from his job and was job hunting.
It was also difficult the year he went back to school to get his master's degree, Abby was a toddler, and we were living on just one income.
And when my job at Christian Ed Warehouse ended, we were once again relying on one income while paying for our daughter to attend a private Christian school.
So finances again were tight.
But each time, God provided over and above what we needed to tithe.
And amazingly, we were able to continue to support our Compassion and World Vision children during those times when finances were tough.
God showered his love upon us, even when we weren't sure if we would be able to keep giving.
Last Sunday we worshiped in a church that still used the woven offering baskets with long handles.
Kirk remembered them from his childhood.
God taught us that he provides. He has made us even more cheerful in our giving.
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