Friday, October 25, 2019


The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. — Proverbs 9:2

Being in awe of God is the beginning of wisdom.

Getting to know Him personally leads me to understanding.

I cannot even begin to fathom his greatness.

But He wants me to get to know Him more and more each day.

I want to be in His Word, but I'm often too busy to stop and read the Bible or talk with Him in prayer.

These friends of mine are pictured gathering for prayer at a baby shower two years ago, praying for the baby and mom.

Many of my friends have been praying for me for the past 10 months.

Tomorrow I have another Herceptin I-V before I head in to work.

Fortunately, the radiation and chemo are done so the side effects are subsiding.

When I slow down and take the time to pray, I'm the one who benefits.

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