Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Thanks Be to God

Thanks be to God, who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord! – Romans 7:25

Today I went to the Y on my lunch hour, and they showed us around the various cardio machines.

I wore my compression sleeve, just in case I decided to try anything that would put pressure on my left arm. 

We checked out the bikes, rowing machines, treadmill, eliptical, and more.

They even have two Pelaton bikes that you can sign up to ride in 30-minute intervals.

I chose the treadmill, and walked about a mile in the 20 minutes we had today.

Each time we'll be introduced to new machines or equipment or get to try a class.

Very fun, and will give me some ideas for working out on my own when the class ends.

I go again on Friday.

Thanks be to God who is healing me, body and soul.

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