Monday, January 13, 2020

The Lord Is on My Side

With the Lord on my side I do not fear. What can man do to me? — Psalm 118:6

Last week I met with an instructor at the YMCA.

They offer a fitness class for cancer patients, with your doctor's approval.

So I will start going there at the end of the month, twice a week on my lunch hour.

They will help me find exercises that will not cause lymphadema.

The class is limited to 12 of us so the instructor can help us individually.

The exercises will range from yoga, using their machines, swimming, and aerobics.

I'm looking forward to starting!

I have been jumping rope, lifting weights, and walking 3-4 miles fairly regularly.

My breath support has really improved since the chemo ended.

And I have my energy back, which is wonderful. Praise God.

All of the prayers of my friends, neighbors, classmates and family members have been heard.

God has sustained me through this journey.

He now uses me to encourage others who have family members or friends with cancer.

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