Saturday, January 30, 2021

Building Yourselves Up

But you, dear friends, by building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit. — Jude 1:20

Building ourselves up in the faith is our goal.

And praying continually in the Holy Spirit.

Glorifying and praising God throughout the day.

Giving Him the glory for everything in our lives.

Yesterday I had a chance to pray with a coworker who was going through a hard time.

She is not a Christian and has had some experiences with those who she feels have been very judgmental. 

Even so, she has been very glad that each of her previous jobs has paired her with a Christian friend who has prayed for her.

And she immediately felt a sense of God's calming presence after our prayer together.

Then today she told me that she really felt things had turned around for her, and she thanked me for praying for her.

She later sent me a text of thanks.

Help me, Lord, to continue to pray with and for my friends and family who need to know about You.

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