Saturday, March 20, 2021

Faith Through Love

For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision has any value. The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. — Galatians 5:6

Today marks the vernal equinox and a change in the seasons.

Jesus' sacrifice marks a change in the seasons of our lives.

I am now a new creature.

The old has passed away; all things have become new.

And now the only thing that counts is faith in Jesus.

Faith expresses itself in love.

Yesterday we said goodbye to one of my colleagues as he moves on to a new job on Monday.

He had shouldered a huge amount of work over the past couple of years.

He is now looking forward to working remotely and perhaps eventually moving to New York.

Now that he and his family are vaccinated, he is looking forward to gathering with them and his grandma this weekend.

A change in the season of his life and of his family, thanks to the vaccine.

We are still waiting for ours.

Kirk got a message that he qualifies, but since he is no longer teaching, that wasn't the case when he went to sign up.

But we know our turn will come.

And we are grateful.

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