Monday, March 8, 2021

For All Nations

"Their burnt offerings and sacrifices will be accepted on my altar; for my house will be called a house of prayer for all nations.”— Isaiah 56:7

God accepts our offerings when we present the best we have to Him.

He accepts our sacrifices when we bring them with a clean heart.

God's house is a house of prayer.

It is open to people from all nations.

Today Abby braved the pool with no heater, and went for a swim out in Santee. 

The air was only in the mid 60s today.

And the water was so cold, she could only swim for 20 minutes.

I give her credit for swimming at all!

God gave us another beautiful day, and we are thankful.

Today we are praying for Mari's uncle in Mexico who is now intubated in the hospital.

And for Rico's doctors, that God would give them wisdom with his treatments.

And for his family, that God would give them comfort during this difficult time.

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