Saturday, March 13, 2021

God Works for Our Good

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. — Romans 8:28

Today I had a chance to talk with sister Becky.

Her plant-based diet has really reduced her auto-immune issues - what a huge praise from just a year ago.

Later, we went for a walk around our neighborhood.

We took a look at the variety of landscapes and yards.

We saw some homes that were our same model.

Some that had been updated and some that looked just as ours did 35 years ago.

This year Kirk painted our garage door. 

Our friends Mary and Gary gave us the plumeria just to the left of the door.

It seems to love that spot!

We know that God works in all things, in every part of our lives. 

We are grateful.

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