Monday, August 22, 2022

Whoever Has the Son Has Life

Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life. — 1 John 5:12 

This weekend we discovered that yet another acquaintance of ours has been diagnosed with breast cancer.

She visits her care team tomorrow to find out the exact diagnosis and perhaps the treatment plan.

Fortunately, she is a strong Christian and is at peace with God's provision for her life.

Even during this trying time of uncertainty.

She had no idea I'd gone through cancer that is now in remission.

And she quoted Scripture in response to my email.

As she said, "Psalm 31 has been a great encouragement to me as we are placing our hands in God's loving hands, resting in His perfect timing, and taking the next indicated steps."

Whoever has Jesus the Son has life.

Thankfully, Cathy has Jesus and so do I! 

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