Thursday, March 26, 2020

Glory to the Lord

Give unto the Lord the glory due to His name; worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness. — Psalm 29:2

Monday we got a box of popcorn.

Not just any popcorn, but Jolly Time white - my family's favorite.

Kirk and Abby and our entire family are major fans.

We have popcorn almost every night.

Kirk's dad made the best popcorn with his Whirlypop.

My dad made popcorn, too, right out of the pan.

So we all grew up with it, and it's big hit.

The box held 12 two-pound bags of popcorn, which will last us for about 6 months.

But we are sharing it with friends and family, very selectively.

Here's what Kirk posted,
"T.P. be damned. Now we are good. A case of Jolly Time White Popcorn arrived today. We were down to our last bag. We are now GOOD TO GO! It is a Rogers' thing. Hope you all are safe and healthy. Prayers and blessings. Kirk

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