Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Worship the Lord

Give to the Lord the glory due His name; Bring an offering, and come before Him. Oh, worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness! — 1 Chronicles 16:29

On Sunday our worship service was down to a bare minimum of participants.

It was available via live-stream since the congregation stayed home.

Our governor mandated that we shelter in place on Friday.

So here's the link to the service: https://livestream.com/fpcsd/events/9038961

Greta presented an awesome sermon.

I sang "I Surrender All" accompanied by our interim music director, Rodney Girvin.

God knew that this song would go well with the sermon, "I Thirst."
 I sang the first hymn, "To God Be the Glory," with our other soloists.

Luigi did a great job on the other hymns and the praise song with our drummer, Joel.

Adam, Neil and Dave did the sound and tech. Isa had the video camera.

Pastor Jerry led the welcome, prayers, communion, children's sermon, and benediction.

It was strange to have no congregation there.

But God was there and with each person who watched online.

He is with us now!

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