Tuesday, February 26, 2019

A Good Read

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever. — Psalm 106:1

Two weeks ago, I was looking for some books to read while recuperating. I had just finished People of the Book by Geraldine Brooks. I love anything by that author, and this was another wonderful read.

And I was also finishing By the Renewing of Your Minds by Ellen T. Charry. The introduction was fascinating, but took me weeks to get through, as I kept going back to reread her premises. She concludes her intro with: "To the extent that modern psychology, like theology and philosophy, has severed happiness from goodness, modern psychology may be ill-equipped to judge Christian aretologies [virtues and miracles]." Agreed.

I usually check our local library first — for ebooks and for hard bound or paperback books. I enjoy them all. Especially when I don't have to pay for them!

The one I wanted had a large hold. So I added my name to the list and then went to the Mission Valley Library to see if they had a copy I could check out. They didn't, so I picked up a couple of fiction novels that looked good:

Bittersweet by Colleen McCullough, 376 pages, author of The Thorn Birds
Little Fires Everywhere by Colleen Ng, 336 pages

The latter had rave reviews on the cover from some authors I had read, so I started with that one. It was on the "new" bookshelf so I didn't have as long to read it, and I enjoyed it, overall. 

Yesterday I finished the other book — really well written— and thought I'd check back to see if my other hold was now available. Sure enough, it was! Perfect timing for me to start a new book while I wait to get back to working from home later this week. 

Now that the book is downloaded onto my iPad, I can start reading this afternoon. Again, perfect timing!

God's timing is always perfect, too. It may not seem to be the case in the moment, but I just have to remember that His perspective is different from my limited point of view. He sees the longterm. And he sees how all the pieces fit together. I only see a small portion of the whole.

As I wait for the pathology report, I can sit back and enjoy my books, the sunshine, and friends and family. God is good. Always.

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