Monday, February 25, 2019


Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say rejoice! — Philippians 4:4

I've noticed that laughter just seems to make everything better. 

A deep belly laugh at a good joke restores the spirit and brings a sense of camaraderie and fellowship. 

It's amazing how a good laugh can clear the air.

I have a friend at work whose laughter is contagious. As soon as I hear his laugh, I start laughing, too.

The day I left the house wearing one blue shoe and one black one brought a look of horror to my face when I arrived at church and looked down at my feet. 

But then I just burst into laughter. It was too funny.

Laughing at ourselves feels good and releases all that pent-up nervous energy.

At times I think God must be laughing at some of the crazy things I worry about or stress over. Even so, He doesn't give up on me. I rejoice in His unfailing care for me.

We are joyful.

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