Friday, February 22, 2019

Home Again

Stand up and praise the Lord your God, who is from everlasting to everlasting. Blessed be your glorious name, and may it be exalted above all blessing and praise. — Nehemiah 9:5

Surgery went well. I am home and it's not even 5:30 p.m. Everyone at Kaiser was wonderful.

While waiting for surgery I was cold so they gave me the heated blanket. Our neighbor calls it the NASA blanket. She had it after  her surgery, too. It kept me comfortable and warm.

My friend's husband took a photo, but I did not want to be photographed so here's a photo of a hike we did up Iron Mountain instead.

They used a short tube for the anesthesia so it didn't touch my vocal chords. I'm hoping to sing at our church program on Sunday night at 6:00. We'll be singing about Moses, Daniel, Joshua and Saul with dramatic readings in between. I'm looking forward to it!

I woke up ready to go home, no nausea and no pain. God is good and really had me covered with a deep sense of peace through the whole process. Kirk was by my side the whole time, such a wonderful source of calm and encouragement.

I still have no nausea, no pain, and no dizzyness. I've been nibbling on saltine crackers and apple juice. The nurse thought the numbness from the anesthesia will wear out in 24 hours so I have Motrin, Percaset, and anti-nausea meds in preparation.

You, my friends and family, have covered me in prayer and I am doing great. Thanks so much. Blessed be the name of the Lord!


  1. Prayer is powerful. Glad it went well. Mary J.

    1. Yes, it is! Can't believe I had such a great rest and still no pain the next day. The ibuprofen is working and so is Jehovah. Thanks for your prayers and love.


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