Sunday, February 24, 2019

Sing a New Song

Sing to the Lord a new song, for he has done marvelous things. — Psalm 98:1

Still no pain today. I haven't taken an Ibuprofen since last night, but I carried one with me to church this morning, just in case. Prayer won out, and the pill is still untouched.

Pastor Jerry's sermon was wonderful — calling us to pray and to develop our relationship to God, encouraging us to grow in our discipleship and in God's holiness as we talk to him in prayer.  Luke 11:1-13.

You can watch the service here:

Tonight I'll be joining our choir for a dramatic presentation in word and song of some great men of the Bible: Moses, Daniel, Joshua and Saul. 

Our friend and writer, Henk Vigeveno has created the scripts and has brought together a talented cast to bring these historical figures to life. Combined with some of my favorite music by Ken Medema, Moses Hogan, and others, it will be an uplifting experience.

And the flowers I received yesterday were created by my friend LaVonne at Adorations Botanical Artistry, brightening our home with joy and covering our family in prayer and God's love.

We are thankful.

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