Friday, February 22, 2019

At Peace in the Morning

My voice shalt thou hear in the morning, O Lord; in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee, and will look up. — Psalm 5:3

Today is my surgery at Zion Hospital, and the wonderful ROSE volunteers sewed a tote bag and two small pillows for me to use on the drive home. One pillow is in the shape of a heart with a flag pattern. Perfect for the wife of a history teacher!

I will have an ultrasound first, then they will insert a wire to the tracking device they inserted a couple of weeks ago. Finally, I'll have some dye injected so they can identify the sentinel node to remove it and check for cancer.

I'll meet with the oncologist in a couple of weeks to find out more.

Thanks to everyone who has been such a huge support to our family on this journey!

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