Friday, April 19, 2019

Trust in God

Trust in him at all times, you people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge.
 — Psalm 62:8
Yesterday I had my second chemo treatment. It went well. No nausea, and we finished in 5 hours. Two treatments down! Four left to go.

Of course, Kirk was with me and we stopped for lunch afterward.

My hair is now coming out more frequently, but I still have quite a bit left. My hairdresser Vito will give me a buzz cut on Saturday so I can start wearing my hats and wig.

I did an online makeup session in the afternoon to help me "Look good, feel better" as I start losing my hair and eyebrows.

Today I'm back at work, and tomorrow we will celebrate Easter a day early.

God is our refuge. We pour out our hearts to him.

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