Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone. If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. — Romans 12:17-18
Great family photo with Gary, Mariana, Kyle and some of the cousins.
Families do not always live at peace with each other, but those peaceful times are a blessing to everyone involved.
We treasure the peaceful days we've shared and will continue to share together.
Last night, Kirk, Abby and I went to see Brad Paisley in concert. A very fun evening.
Today our youth will lead our services of worship for our church Youth Sunday. Students will lead us in the readings, provide the music, pray, tell the children's story, read Scripture, do the video, present the photos and slides, share about their mission trip to Mexico, and give the blessing. Our pastor will present the sermon in four parts, with a student reading a Scripture passage from James before each.
We'll have promotion in between the services, recognizing children who have learned memory verses over the past year, giving elementary students Bibles, giving middle schoolers new devotion books, having parents pray for their students as they transition to high school, and elders praying for our high school seniors as they head on to college.
We are blessed.
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