Friday, June 14, 2019

Off to the Fair

If you love me, keep my commands. — John 14:15

This afternoon, I'll leave work early so Abby and I can go to the San Diego County Fair together.

Here we are back in 2016 at the fair, when we ran into our friend Sandy and her daughter Ana at the Alice in Wonderland exhibit.

This year the theme is the Wizard of Oz. That should be a fun one, too.

We enjoy trying some of the food, looking at the woodworking and art exhibits, checking out the yearbooks, watching the pig races, giving our opinions on the landscape competition, and going on the Ferris wheel and the skyride across the fair.

Abby hopes to try a fried Twinkie in memory of her grandpa.

Sometimes they have some good bands playing during the day.

Whatever we do, it will be a fun afternoon just hanging out together.

Kirk will be golfing with one of his buddies.

We are blessed with special times together, doing things we enjoy.

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