Sunday, June 16, 2019

Rejoicing in Our Children and Our Dad

The father of a righteous child has great joy; a man who fathers a wise son rejoices in him. — Proverbs 23:24

Today is Father's Day, and we are celebrating Kirk.

He is an awesome dad, husband, uncle, teacher, mentor, friend, and encourager. He shares wisdom with our family and with his students and colleagues. We are grateful.

Kirk has raised up Abby to be a righteous woman of God, and has passed on his wisdom to her.

We are grateful that he is a strong Christian and a servant of God who cares about his family and friends.

We thank God for his strength of character, his integrity, and his compassion.

One day a year is not enough to celebrate this amazing guy.

Today as we worship God, we are also thanking him for bringing Kirk into our lives.

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