Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Our Wise God

To the only wise God be glory forever through Jesus Christ! Amen. — Romans 16:27

I continue to do well, although I have less energy than just a month ago.

Four chemo treatments down, just two left to go. Here's a photo taken just after my first chemo.

My work supervisors have been very supportive. They are letting me work at home one day a week so I don't have to battle traffic and lengthy commute times on that day. Much easier to conserve my energy this way.

I try to get to bed a bit earlier now, and I sing, walk, lift weights, stationary bike or jump rope every other day to keep myself in somewhat good shape.

Vegetables and fruit as well as chicken, beef, and bread still taste good, so I'm trying to eat healthy and keep my weight from going up too quickly.

I'm also trying to stay in God's Word and take counsel from His wisdom.

He is the author of wisdom. To Him be the honor and glory forever!

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