Saturday, June 8, 2019

Words of Encouragement

He traveled through that area, speaking many words of encouragement to the people. — Acts 20:2

Gary with Mary and Richard
A few days ago, I was feeling great, having lost a few of the pounds that I'd managed to gain since Memorial Day.

I understand it's normal to gain weight while on chemo, but I still don't appreciate it!

So when I discovered I was a pound heavier yesterday, I got a bit discouraged, feeling that I looked flabby since I haven't been able to exercise as hard or often as I used to.

Walking in to our office building, I hopped on the elevator with two guys and a girl in her early 40s. When the guys got off, the girl turned to me and said, "I didn't want to say anything while the guys were here with us, but you have great-looking calves!"

I was shocked, but thanked her and explained that I jump rope. She said she had been doing it occasionally, too, and it was much more work that it appeared.

I agreed, we arrived at her floor, and we wished each other well.

Then I said a quick prayer of thanks to God for the word of encouragement just when I needed it most! Little did she know that she had made my day.

It made me think that I need to make sure I'm an encourager to others, too.

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