Monday, December 2, 2019

God's Consolation Brings Joy

When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought me joy. — Psalm 94:19 

When I get worried or anxious, God comforts me.

The diagnosis of cancer was shocking, and I was anxious.

When Kirk's dad died and things took longer to resolve than expected, I grew anxious and worried.

But God reminded me that the length of time I would take to resolve didn't really matter in the grand scheme of things.

He reminded me that He was still in control in both situations.

And He guided our family as we pushed ahead to continue to get things done for Him.

God's consolation has brought me joy.

Our Christmas tree reminds us of His great love for us. 

Sending His Son, Jesus, to take on our sins was the greatest sacrifice.

Even in the midst of uncertainly and anxiety, God remains our rock.

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