Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Make the Most of Every Opportunity

Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity. — Ephesians 5:15

Today I am working at home and getting a lot done without constant interruptions and meetings.

I'm taking a quick lunch break to type this post before getting back to the work computer.

God has provided another beautiful day.

Tonight I will gather with friends to celebrate a friend's 65th birthday.

We will have a fun time over dinner with the girls, catching up and relaxing together.

Tomorrow City Tree School has their annual CHristmas program in our church sanctuary.

I'll join Abby for dinner afterward — they're serving lasagna — before choir rehearsal begins.

Kirk and I went out to dinner together on Monday after my doctor appointment.

She said I'm doing great. No residual signs of radiation.

Other than calcium and a multi-vitamin, I'm only on one medication, an Estrogen inhibitor.

And she signed an authorization form so I can join the LiveStrong program at the YMCA in January.

God continues to bless me. I am grateful.

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